I can smell the sweat |
Yes. Yes. I had rules. No repeats, but I don't have any hay fever medicine left so I'm silently suffering through what will potentially be '
a very bad day'. Also I dreamt that I sat in a bus that drove past Samuel L Jackson. IT WAS A SIGN that my subconscious really needs to watch John McClane (
Bruce Willis) turn all bloody in his wife-beater besides Zeus Carver (
Samuel L. Jackson) being indignant. I don't know why this is one of my favourites. Not that Die Hard isn't wonderful, but that's a given. This is my other fave, but I suspect the team up is one of the main reasons. The real action as well. That's what I love about nineties action films.
CGI hadn't taken over quite yet - - also swearing was still a thing.
Zeus: Look, all brothers don't know how to shoot guns, you racist motherfucker.
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