MTV's Scream
most unrealistic scenario: a chick with matching underwear |
When a young woman is cut up at her home after posting a video of a classmate that goes viral, things slowly escalate in Lakewood, as the town is suddenly reminded of an incident twenty years ago. There's elements of mystery, drama, but it doesn't feel fresh and invigorating. It's nice to have breathing room between the characters being killed, allowing us to see the characters reactions etc, but it doesn't have that classic pull.
Then again I did end up watching 10 episodes in one night because I needed to know the killer's identity and know I was right.
And I ended up saying the name to said murderer before they'd even dragged off their mask, so, I must admit I was rather disappointed by this bit. Despite all of this, I grew rather fond of several of the characters, but they weren't much, framed on top of the original characters more than anything. All in all it's fun, though I do wonder what'll be done during season two.
Hopefully they've given this some actual thought and aren't just making up things as they get along, or else they won't last. I just hope that they make the second season a bit tighter really. There's room for improvement. The problem with this type of film is that if the killer's identity is revealed some of the excitement is taken out of it. I do hope they've got more under their sleeve or else it'll be very dull indeed.
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